Friday, October 24, 2008

Jesus I need help especially today.

Jesus why can't I just get it through my head that I really don't need most of the things I think about. I'm always wanting something. Most of the time it's something that in the long run would ruin me. I am agonizing about this today because I am so tired of myself. Please help me Jesus because I have messed up enough already. I would like to do things right from now on. I need you to help me:

  1. Help me stop fantasizing about the ideal man. I'm sure you have him already picked out and waiting, you're most likely waiting on me.
  2. Stop me before I take one step off the path.
  3. Please help me to believe all the good things you believe about me.
  4. I'm giving you this whole list of things that I can do nothing about today; or ever, please take the list and fix everything like you always do.
  5. I am worried please help me remember that you fix everything.
  6. I feel unforgiving please remind me of how you have forgiven me so that I will be merciful.
  7. I feel like a failure please remind me that you have more than enough grace for me.
  8. Jesus you are my best friend I don't want to hurt you; forgive me because I know I already hurt you today, it's over that sin that so easily besets me, please deliver me!
  9. I do so want to do what's right, Jesus change my heart.
  10. Sin makes me old, make me new again.
  11. I want to live in your house one day, keep me faithful.
  12. I love you Jesus, thank you for helping me.

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