Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Jesus is my best friend.

I've been in the dirt before

thrown down on my face

breathing dust

I can hear them laughing

"she's done it again"

I'm afraid to look up

I hear him,

he's talking softly,

he's writing,

he's breathing dust,

and writing something,

in the dirt

something that makes them

think twice

and slink away

and leave me

at the feet of the only one who can save me


Monday, October 27, 2008

Something good is going to happen to me......

Psalm 98

Sing a new song to the LORD! He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory.

The LORD has shown the nations, that he has the power to save bringing justice.

God has been faithful in his love for Israel, and his saving power is seen everywhere on earth.

Tell everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the LORD.

Make music for him on harps. Play beautiful melodies!

Sound the trumpets and horns and celebrate with joyful songs for our LORD and King!

Command the ocean to roar with all of its creatures, and the earth to shout
with all of its people.

Order the rivers to clap their hands, and all of the hills to sing together.

Let them worship the LORD! He is coming to judge everyone on the earth,and he will be honest and fair.

God has been faithful in his love for Israel, and his saving power is seen everywhere on earth.

Tell everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the LORD.

Make music for him on harps. Play beautiful melodies!

Sound the trumpets and horns and celebrate with joyful songs for our LORD and King!

Command the ocean to roar with all of its creatures, and the earth to shout with all of its people.

Order the rivers to clap their hands, and all of the hills to sing together.

Let them worship the LORD! He is coming to judge everyone on the earth, and he will be honest and fair.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Copyright © 1995 by
American Bible Society

I read this wonderful Psalm this morning after my fearful, begging for mercy episode. I like the 1st verse especially well: "Sing a new song to the LORD! He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory".I am rejoicing in this because my El Shaddai has worked miracles and won the victory for me! I am so happy so very happy and so I've started to sing like the the blind man...

"Something good is going to happen to me,
happen to me
this very day,
something good is going to happen to me,
Jesus of Nazareth is passing this way!"

You and I we don't have to be afraid anymore because something good is going to happen to us this very day, Jesus of Nazareth is passing our way!

Today I need mercy

I am afraid today. I have unpleasant things to do like writing a letter to ask for mercy from someone who has treated me unjustly and making a phone call to ask for mercy to defer a payment on a bill. I also need to be merciful to someone who owes me money. My precious Jesus, mercy is what I need today all the way around. Could you talk to these people and persuade them to be merciful to me and Jesus help me to be merciful to the person who owes me money. I have been thinking of all the reasons I should be paid on time with no excuses, or else. "Or else", is not mercy. A persons soul is more important than money. Jesus I know you require mercy, help me to do what you've asked.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have hope
beyond this place of dust and grime
I have hope
because there is a better place
a quiet place
where Jesus is
my courageous beautiful Jesus!
no-one will ever be able to destroy
that place
beyond this place of dust and grime
I have hope!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Jesus I need help especially today.

Jesus why can't I just get it through my head that I really don't need most of the things I think about. I'm always wanting something. Most of the time it's something that in the long run would ruin me. I am agonizing about this today because I am so tired of myself. Please help me Jesus because I have messed up enough already. I would like to do things right from now on. I need you to help me:

  1. Help me stop fantasizing about the ideal man. I'm sure you have him already picked out and waiting, you're most likely waiting on me.
  2. Stop me before I take one step off the path.
  3. Please help me to believe all the good things you believe about me.
  4. I'm giving you this whole list of things that I can do nothing about today; or ever, please take the list and fix everything like you always do.
  5. I am worried please help me remember that you fix everything.
  6. I feel unforgiving please remind me of how you have forgiven me so that I will be merciful.
  7. I feel like a failure please remind me that you have more than enough grace for me.
  8. Jesus you are my best friend I don't want to hurt you; forgive me because I know I already hurt you today, it's over that sin that so easily besets me, please deliver me!
  9. I do so want to do what's right, Jesus change my heart.
  10. Sin makes me old, make me new again.
  11. I want to live in your house one day, keep me faithful.
  12. I love you Jesus, thank you for helping me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

While I am alive I will bless You!

O Elohiym you are Almighty early in the morning I will look for You because my soul is thirsty and I really need You and this place where I live is dry and thirsty, it has no answers or water for my soul; I will look for You to see Your power and Your glory as I have seen You in the special place on the mountain where I talk to you.

I will shout out loud about You because You are so loving and kind to me that your kindness is better than life.

While I am alive I will bow down before You, I will lift up my hands in honor of Your name.

My soul is satisfied with You as someone who has eaten the very best gourmet meal, and with great joy I will sing about You!

When I lay my head down upon my bed to sleep; I think about You, throughout the night I think about how You have blessed me.

Because You have helped me so much I will shout for joy in Your protective care.

Emotionally my soul continually needs You , I hold on to Your right hand, You hold me up.

But those who are looking for me to destroy me emotionally, they will go to their grave.

They will be killed, they will be scavenged by foxes.

But I will celebrate Elohiym, every one that believes Elohiym will celebrate;
but the mouth of those who spread lies will be stopped.

Personal translation of Psalm 63. David wrote this Psalm when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Put the kite away!

Today I'm wrestling with my desire to chase the wind or to remain in this calm windless place. Jesus wants me to stay right where I am but I want to run off and fly kites. Jesus please help me to stay right here where you want me. Please change my mind because what I want to do and what you want me to do are two different things. Jesus, your old friend King Solomon said: "Better a handful with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind." I know that's my answer. I need to remember the toil and grasping and kite-flying involved in getting everything I want. I'm putting the kite away!
quote: Ecclesiastes 4:6

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today is my daddy's birthday. He's a comical guy. He just moved to a great place but it's way out in the country. There are horses and cows and the biggest bull I ever saw right down the street. I took him shopping last night and he thoroughly enjoyed it because he's a people person. He picked out his groceries, talked to people, humored people, and stayed in the HEB store for over 2 hours. I enjoyed the social experience but I have to say that he stayed in the store "longer than a woman." Thank you Jesus for my daddy. He's a bright spot in my day. Please give him many more birthdays and bless him always. He's such a swell guy and I'm glad to be his daughter.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The things I want the most.

I was talking to Jesus about the things I want the most.

This is my honest list.
  1. to adopt a child from India
  2. to adopt 2 bouncy baby boys from Siberia, Russia
  3. to supplement the care of children in all orphanages where my children will come from
  4. to open a daycare center here in the states for children with special needs
  5. to open an assisted living residence for seniors with Alzheimer's
  6. to get a makeover
  7. to buy a car that actually saves on gas
  8. to build a house for my children
  9. to adopt children from Ghana,West Africa
  10. to adopt children from Peru

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


New Century Version (NCV)
The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by
Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Proverbs 8

Listen to Wisdom. Wisdom calls to you like someone shouting; understanding raises her voice. On the hilltops along the road and at the crossroads, she stands calling. Beside the city gates, at the entrances into the city, she calls out: "Listen, everyone, I'm calling out to you; I am shouting to all people. You who are uneducated, seek wisdom. You who are foolish, get understanding. Listen, because I have important things to say, and what I tell you is right. What I say is true, I refuse to speak evil. Everything I say is honest; nothing I say is crooked or false. People with good sense know what I say is true; and those with knowledge know my words are right. Choose my teachings instead of silver, and knowledge rather than the finest gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies. Nothing you could want is equal to it. "I am wisdom, and I have good judgment. I also have knowledge and good sense. If you respect the Lord, you will also hate evil. I hate pride and bragging, evil ways and lies. I have good sense and advice, and I have understanding and power. I help kings to govern and rulers to make fair laws. Princes use me to lead, and so do all important people who judge fairly. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. Riches and honor are mine to give. So are wealth and lasting success. What I give is better than the finest gold, better than the purest silver. I do what is right and follow the path of justice. I give wealth to those who love me, filling their houses with treasures. "I, wisdom, was with the Lord when he began his work, long before he made anything else. I was created in the very beginning, even before the world began. I was born before there were oceans, or springs overflowing with water, before the hills were there, before the mountains were put in place. God had not made the earth or fields, not even the first dust of the earth. I was there when God put the skies in place, when he stretched the horizon over the oceans, when he made the clouds above and put the deep underground springs in place. I was there when he ordered the sea not to go beyond the borders he had set. I was there when he laid the earth's foundation. I was like a child by his side. I was delighted every day, enjoying his presence all the time, enjoying the whole world, and delighted with all its people. "Now, my children, listen to me, because those who follow my ways are happy. Listen to my teaching, and you will be wise; do not ignore it. Happy are those who listen to me, watching at my door every day, waiting at my open doorway. Those who find me find life, and the Lord will be pleased with them. Those who do not find me hurt themselves. Those who hate me love death."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Walking with my best friend

I was up early this morning. Talked to my best friend. He asked me to walk with him today. When I walk with him he always leads me gently like a good shepherd. Today he's going to make sure I have everything I need. I will eat the very best food and drink peaceful water. My soul has been troubled as of late; today he took that worry from me, my soul is whole again. As long as I follow him I will be walking on the right path because it's the only path he can lead me on, his name is righteousness. When I walk through scary places ; the ones that are so dark that I could actually die places, I will not be afraid of the evil things that could happen to me because my best friend will walk with me . He will have his rod and his staff because sometimes I get off the path so I will need to be reminded and my enemies are so lively he will need to fight them for me. This is comforting to me. Today he will make me look greatly loved, greatly blessed, and greatly cared for, right where my enemies can see me. He will bless me so much that I will not be able to hold it all. He will always be good to me, always be merciful to me as long as I live and one day I will go to where he lives and live there forever.
Personal translation of Psalm 23