I have been thinking about how evil it is to constantly find fault with someone and look for areas and ways where they don't measure up. I am very tired of this person who looks and looks and looks for things that I do that don't measure up to her impeccable standards. I call her wicked. In the quiet sanctity of my mind I have called her wicked and I have built a case on what wickedness is. I have built a strong case and come to the conclusion that wicked people are far away from God. I have noticed that the closer they imagine themselves to be to God the more wicked they are. Scary thought. I have given up on people who wrap themselves in religiosity. I am wary of them because they have done the most damage to my soul. This year I have vowed to surround myself with people who are wrapped in goodness. I look back and see how the wicked types have gotten angry and fallen away from me and I am better off for it. I believed that lie for too long that just because a person names themself by Christ's name that they are like him. This morning I read Psalm 7. I received comfort. God alone is my judge! He is the only one who can condemn me and He is angry with the wicked every day. I rest my case!
God judgeth the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11 KJV